Quality Home Check
Providing peace of mind with every home purchase!
What we do
We are a locally owned family operated home inspection company. Providing peace of mind with every home purchase for
over 22 years.
Home Inspections
Radon Testing
pre-sale inspection
water sampling
mold testing
full service property preservation
What is a home inspection?
It is primarily a visual examination
- A field evaluation and professional opinion of the performance of the readily accessible installed systems in a home
- Intended to identify components that are significantly deficient, unsafe or near the end of their service life
What We Inspect For
- First & foremost we inspect for the safety and proper operation of each system within the home. Does the system or item being inspected pose a safety concern either directly or indirectly to the inhabitants?
- Is the system, item or component operating as the manufacturer intended? Is it in good condition?
- Is the item or component being inspected at or near the end of it’s serviceable life?
What is Inspected
- Walls, ceilings & floors
- Doors & windows
- Steps, stairways & railings
- Garage doors & operators
- Counter tops & cabinets
- Permanently installed appliances

- Wall coverings, flashings & trimSteps, stairways & railings
- Decks, balconies, stoops, steps, porches & railings
- Garages & carports
- Walkways, patios & driveways
- Gutters & downspouts
- Windows & exterior doors
- Eaves, soffits & fascia
- Landscaping, lot grading, drainage & connected retaining walls that may have an effect on the building
- Roof materials, roof vents, flashings, chimneys, skylights & other roof penetrations
- Foundation & floor structures
- Wall, ceiling & roof structures
- Service drops
- Service grounding
- Overcurrent protection devices including GFCI protected circuits
- Service entrance conductors, cables & raceways
- Switches & receptacles
- Lighting
- Service equipment & disconnects
- Interior components of service panels & subpanels
HVAC Systems (Heating & Cooling)
- Access panels that can be readily opened
- Ventilation systems, exhaust systems, flues & chimneys
- Installed heating & cooling equipment (furnaces/boilers & air conditioners)
- Distribution systems (ducting etc.)
- Insulation & vapor retarders in unfinished spaces
Insulation & Ventilation
- Insulation & vapor retarders in unfinished spaces
- Ventilation of attics and foundation areas
- Kitchen, bathroom, laundry & similar exhaust systems
- Clothes dryer exhaust systems
- Interior water supply and distribution systems including fixtures and faucets
- Vent systems, flues, and chimneys
- Interior drain, waste, and vent systems including fixtures
- Fuel storage and fuel distribution systems
- Water heating equipment and hot water supply systems
- Sewage ejectors, sump pumps, and related piping
For a complete list of what is included in your home inspection please see the INTERNachi Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics
Fully licensed and insured inspectors will always perform your home inspection. We will make your home inspection a pleasant experience!
Our Process
We Have Over 22 Years of Experience in The Industry
Our focus is to provide a thorough home inspection so you can be confident with your next home purchase. We encourage the buyer to be present at the inspection if at all possible.
Pre-Listing Inspections
Having us perform a pre-listing home inspection is the perfect opportunity to identify problems and make repairs before listing your property. Putting your home in better selling condition can speed up the sales process and reduce the stress of waiting for the buyers inspector to discover issues during the contingency period.
Radon And Your Home

What is Radon?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas and is a byproduct of decaying uranium in the soil. Uranium in the soil and rock decay releasing radon gas in the form of radioactive particles, in turn these radioactive particles attach to dust in the home where they can be inhaled. Radon gas is colorless, odorless and tasteless and can only be detected through proper testing.
Why is Radon a Concern?
- Radon is a concern because radon and its decay products release radioactive energy that can damage lung tissue. The more radon you are exposed to and the longer the exposure, the greater the risk of eventually developing lung cancer. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States resulting in 15,000 to 22,000 deaths per year, and is the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers.
- I am NRPP trained & certified to test for radon and am a member of AARST – The American Association of Radon Scientists.
Certifications acquired through home inspector training from InterNACHI®
Office Location
11334 Saint Joe Road Fort Wayne, IN 46835